
We enable the buying and selling of all foreign currencies
Wide range of products to send money worldwide
Payment Solutions
We provide the best-in-class comprehensive purpose-based payment services
Enables you to transfer money, within minutes, through cash payout at various agent outlets
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Al Khier Exchange Est.
A well-known Exchange House in Jorden. The Exchange is one of the pioneers to start currency exchange business in the country.
The Exchange has been established in 1993 and is owned by an inspiring and promising businessman, Mr. Malek Mohd Khair Abualragheb and Mr. Mahend Mohd Khair Zahid Abualragheb associated with the financial services industry for many years.

Our vision is to become a strong financial institution that provides the best products in currency exchange and remittance for the customers which inspire and empower people to do the things differently and shape their own path in life and business.
Our mission is to offer value and international standards in money exchange services, strong branch network with trained and experienced staff to look at the market with fresh eyes to find a new opportunity and seek new ways to enabling our customers succeed and advance the world of finance and exchange services.
Our value would remain to maintain the highest level of “Reputation”. The Exchange will never compromise on any kind of Reputation Risk. The combination of quantitative achievements with the support of all values will help maintain solid relationships with Customers, Institutions and “Regulators”. We would call them all as “Stakeholders”. We have established our exchanges on the pillars of strong Compliance framework and Policy implementation to achieve our goals


Aim to cater to diverse customers and give them services at their convenience
The Branch provide Al Khier Exchange to reach out to its customers with high level of service and customer satisfaction. Branch has highly trained and experienced staff with high aims for customer retention and customer satisfaction.